Pastoral Care

Sue Alexander

Sue Alexander

Quadrant Representative

Rose Ma'ae

Rose Ma'ae

Quadrant Representative

Youth Group

This opportunity if offered during a special mass twice a year especially for the sick and elderly members of the Parish, a light lunch is also provided afterwards with an opportunity to share in some fellowship. Fr. Fabian is also available for those who need the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at any time.

Team Coordinator
Sue Alexander

Aged Care

Provision is made for regular Mass, prayer and visitation at the Aged Care Residences situated in the Parish of Melton South, including anointing of the sick.

Team Coordinators
Father Fabian Smith
Sue Alexander

Pastoral Care of the Sick & Homebound

This team consist of volunteers who visit and take Holy Communion to the sick and those who are unable to attend Mass regularly.

Team Coordinators
Father Fabian Smith
Sue Alexander

Anointing of the Sick

This opportunity if offered during a special mass twice a year especially for the sick and elderly members of the Parish, a light lunch is also provided afterwards with an opportunity to share in some fellowship. Fr. Fabian is also available for those who need the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at any time.

Team Coordinator
Sue Alexander

If you need a Priest in the case of an emergency please call 0403 435 471

Fr Fabian Smith

Parish Priest

Safeguarding Committee

This team is committed to the care, wellbeing, protection and safety of children and young people in our Parish. They ensure the implementation of protocol and procedures of the Victorian and National Child safety standards including ongoing training for all volunteers to foster the values.

Team Coordinator
Godwin Barton

St Vincent de paul society

This team of volunteers who work hard to support people experiencing financial poverty, who at times may need provisions in the form of food or vouchers. Including the works of shaping a more just and compassionate society. Assistants in mental well being is also provided during home visits.

Team Coordinator
Ineka Allen