Community & Service

Natalie Howard

Natalie Howard

Quadrant Representative

Amy Honrade

Amy Honrade

Quadrant Representative

Lillian Christian

Lillian Christian

Quadrant Representative

Community & Service News



Held weekly on Tuesday evening in the Padua Hall 7.00pm, this event is completely run by volunteers, which are always looking for members for various rostered jobs. Come for a fun filled evening. Food available at the Canteen.

Team Coordinator
Rose Ma’ae

Social Committee

This group meets regularly and plans our parish monthly sausage sizzles, International Food Day, Parish Picnic, Dinner Dances and other events throughout the year. The aim of their work is to provide and build a sense of community in our parish in a social setting. They are always on the lookout for new members.

Team Coordinator
Julie Seufatu

Prime Timers

A very active group of people who gather together monthly to enjoy organized outings and activities, such as going to the cinemas/lunches/shows. These outings are advertised in the Parish Newsletter.

Team Coordinator
Ineke Allan

Combined Churches Care

An emergency food bank supported by all churches of Melton to assist people in times of crisis, open during weekdays only.

Contact Parish Office

Piety Stall

The Piety Stall provides access to a variety of cards, gifts and devotional items for sale. Parishioners are rostered to open the stall after Weekend Masses. 

Team Coordinator
Kim Barton

Craft Group

This small team meets monthly on the first Saturday of the month between the hours of 10-2.  Beginners and experience all welcome, it`s a great opportunity for a social chat and a cupper, whilst at the same time learning and sharing skills.

Team Coordinators
Kim Barton & Natalie Howard


Finance Committee

This team meets quarterly to discuss and plan the Parish finances and budgets.

Team Coordinator
Father Alex Clemente

Thanksgiving Program

Renewal program which enables parishioners to review their financial contribution to the upkeeping of the parish, along with their volunteering of time to support the running of the parish.

Team Coordinator
Father Alex Clemente

Property Development

Planning and maintenance of the future to support growth within the parish.

Team Coordinator
Father Alex Clemente

Padua Hall Committee

This team incorporates staff from the school and volunteers from the parish.  Their aim is to oversee adherence to School Hall Policy whilst in use, ensuring the protection of the Hall.

Team Coordinators
Godwin Barton
Natalie Howard

Property Maintenance

Like many buildings the church is subject to wear and tear both internally and externally, this team run by volunteers manages these needs.

Team Coordinator
Ron Howard


This team is called upon to maintain the gardens and grounds around the Church property. the team undertakes working bees quarterly with the aid of volunteers from the parish. A great opportunity to be with like-minded people.

Team Coordinator
Ron Howard

Church Cleaning

These teams keep our church clean and shiny, surfaces have been designed as low maintenance. All cleaning materials and tools are supplied. Teams are placed on a rotating roster which work around your availability.

Team Coordinator
Elizabeth Underwood

Church Flowers

These parishioners arrange flowers to add to the beauty of the Liturgy in our Worship Space. The team is talented, dedicated and produces beautiful floral displays.

Team Coordinator
Lillian Christian

Weekend Cuppa

This team provides the cupper and cake monthly after each weekend service, it’s a great way to get to know fellow parishioners. Volunteers are placed on a roster to suit their availability.

Team Coordinator
Amy Honrade

Car Parking

On special occasions assistant is needed to guide traffic safely in the car park, such as Easter, Christmas and special visits.

Team Coordinator required

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