Faith Formation Quadrant

Naim Chdid

Naim Chdid

Quadrant Representative

Faith Formation News

Faith Formation Quadrant

Sacrament Enrolment Meeting

Sacrament Enrolment Meetings 2024Parents of children who attend St Anthony's or St Lawrence's can book their Sacrament Enrolment Meeting here.
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Faith Formation Quadrant

Educating in Christ

12.15 - 1.15pmSunday, 4th July 2021St Anthony's Church Foyer Preeminent educator Dr Gerard O'Shea, author of Educating in Christ, will...
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Faith Formation Quadrant

Baptism Prepatation

The Baptism Team assists and informs parents in preparation of their children for the Sacrament of Baptism and offers ongoing support on their Faith Journey.

Team Coordinators
Father Alex Clemente
Judy Johnson
Naim Chdid

Sacramental Preparation for Children

First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation

The Parish Sacramental Program for Children is shared between the St Anthony`s School Staff and Parish Catechists. Children attending the St Anthony`s School are prepared for the sacraments during school hours. Catholic children attending schools other than St Anthony`s receive instruction from Parish Catechists out of school hours.

Team Coordinators
Father Alex Clemente
Naim Chdid

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

The team support those preparing for Adult Baptism, Reception into the Catholic Church (of those Baptized in another Christian church) Reception of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.

Team Coordinators
Father Alex Clemente
Naim Chdid

Ongoing Faith Formation

Opportunities to participate in many forms of Faith Formation and Celebrations are published on our website, in our weekly Parish Newsletter, Church notice boards and on the Archdiocese of Melbourne Website.

Team Coordinators
Father Alex Clemente
Naim Chdid

Marriage and Family

Opportunities to participate in many forms of Faith Formation and Celebrations are published on our website, in our weekly Parish Newsletter, Church notice boards and on the Archdiocese of Melbourne Website.

Team Coordinators
Father Alex Clemente
Naim Chdid

Neocatechumenal Way

The Neocatechumenal Way is a Charism within the Church, an itinerary of catechesis to rediscover baptism. The team meets weekly in the parish to meditate on the word of God and reflect on how it relates to their life today.

Team Coordinators
Natalie & Ron Howard

Divine Mercy

This team meets in the Church on the first Sunday of each month. This devotion includes Chaplet Rosary and readings from Scripture and St. Faustina`s diary.

Family Rosary

The parish is blessed to have 2 statues of Our Lady of Fatima which move from home to home. People are invited to join the family/person to pray the Rosary. Each family/person hosts the statue for a week.

Team Coordinator

Lillian Christian

Estia Health Prayer Group

This team visit the nursing home to support our elderly through their faith administering the Eucharist and praying the rosary.

Team Coordinator

Naim Chdid

News Archive

Sacrament Enrolment Meeting

Sacrament Enrolment Meeting

Sacrament Enrolment Meetings 2024Parents of children who attend St Anthony's or St Lawrence's can book their Sacrament Enrolment Meeting here.

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Educating in Christ

Educating in Christ

12.15 - 1.15pmSunday, 4th July 2021St Anthony's Church Foyer Preeminent educator Dr Gerard O'Shea, author of Educating in Christ, will offer a talk at St Anthony's about the best age-appropriate ways to form children in faith. All interested parishioners are welcome...

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