Worship Quadrant
Worship News
Worship Quadrant
The following teams come under the Worship Quadrant, they support and work along with the teams to perform the needed task during Liturgy, while engaging the parishioners to fully participate in the service.

Mass Coordinators
Volunteers prepare the Church/Altar for the celebration of the Mass and ensure that Ministers during Liturgy are present to perform their ministry.
Team Coordinator
Godwin Barton
Ministry During Liturgy
Volunteers prepare the Church/Altar for the celebration of the Mass and ensure that Ministers during Liturgy are present to perform their ministry.
Team Coordinator
Godwin Barton
Parish Choirs
We have few groups that makes the liturgical services more solemn and joyful by providing music. If you are musically gifted to play an instrument or vocals, feel free to join any of the choir group.
Team Coordinator
Fr Wilford Urmaza
Children's Liturgy
School aged children are invited to join the Catechists for this activity during the Saturday evening and Sunday 10.30 Masses. A member of a team makes the Word of God more interesting for children to understand. Children who attend mass with their parents are encouraged to attend Children’s Liturgy during mass, so that they get to understand God’s word according to their ability. Children are blessed and sent forth during the proclamation of the Word and the homily. They process back to join their parents during Offertory.
Team Coordinators
Lorrain Tellis
Niam Chdid
Altar Servers
Altar servers are children or teenagers who assist the priest during Liturgy. An altar server attends to support tasks at the alter such as fetching and carrying, including ringing the altar bell among other things.
Team Coordinator
Anakin Anderson
Liturgy Committee
Liturgy Committee meets regularly to plan liturgies for the Church Seasons of the year, including Feast Days and special occasions. The Team also coordinate, support and evaluate all liturgical ministries in the parish.
Team Coordinators
Fr Alex Clemente
Godwin Barton